by burnstyle | Nov 20, 2023
by burnstyle | May 5, 2023
Nivana vs. Silverchair, Canada vs. St. Louis, 5 vs. 8. Cole and George have a civil conversation while disagreeing on the fundamentals of things which do not matter… and wonder why others can’t do the same thing. May is mental health awareness month and in... by burnstyle | Feb 6, 2023
by burnstyle | Nov 28, 2022
Forty years ago a book titled The Golden Apple tale was released. Sold only by order forms in the back of magazines, only one physical copy is known to exist. For years no one has known who wrote this book, or if the treasure was still available. Today those questions... by burnstyle | Aug 31, 2022
Season 04 Episode 05 The St. Augustine OneAn interview with John Jude Palencar How in the world did George Ward get invited to John Palencar’s studio? Join George as he talks with John Palencar about Chicago, Boston, and Cleveland. Three of the solved puzzles from The...
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